Tuesday 3 November 2009

Nano - Day 3

I'm cruising along. Got lost in the story a couple of times, in a good way. Haven't had that feeling of immersion in months. I know the plot needs a lot of work but I'm hoping the depth is being hinted at enough to come back to me in the edit. This one is a keeper though.

I'm trying hard to separate the character from Sam, (Fatal Cure's hero), although I think they could be related. They'd hate each other of course. I hope this strings out to 50,000 words. Xmas would be so boring without something tangible to occupy me.

Coops: 4442 words
Sister: 6053. (I won't insult her by insulating any falsehood as some would do when under pressure.)

The average we should have obtained: 5000 words

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